Friday 8 August 2014

Picture Book Review - Frances Dean Who Loved to Dance and Dance - Birgitta Sif (Author & Illustrator)

Picture Book Review - Frances Dean Who Loved to Dance and Dance - Birgitta Sif (Author & Illustrator)

Recommended for Toddlers/Younger Readings

I'm somewhat of a dancer. I'm not a very good dancer, or even approaching mildly competent, but I love to randomly throw some shapes when nobody's looking (or even when plenty of people are looking if I'm in the mood for showing off). With that in mind, I've got a great deal in common with France Dean, star of this charming little story.

Frances Dean loves to dance. And dance, and dance, and dance, and dance. Though she only likes to do it alone, becoming embarrassed whenever anyone else is near. That is, until she hears someone singing a beautiful song one day that inspires her. Will Frances ever worry about people seeing her dance again?

I might have been jesting in the opening paragraph of this review, but I really do empathise with Frances Dean, and any children reading the book who relate to her. When you love doing something but you're shy about doing it in front of other people it can be horrible, but if something does inspire you to cast away those worries then it's a wonderful feeling. Knowing the power of reading, perhaps this story will help some of those children in the world who pick it up and have these same problems, because it's a lovely little tale. It's beautifully illustrated too, in a lovely quirky style, and it's made me want to go out and find some more of Birgitta Sif's work next time I'm in the library. I know she was nominated for the Kate Greenaway Medal this year, so I'm glad her talent is recognised!

A charming tale, and well worth a read.


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