Friday 30 October 2015

Picture Book Review - The Cloudspotter - Tom McLaughlin (Author & Illustrator)

Picture Book Review - The Cloudspotter - Tom McLaughlin (Author & Illustrator)

You know the delight you feel when you find a simple story that is utterly delightful? Meet The Cloudspotter! It's the story of Franklin, a boy with no friends who finds adventures in the clouds that he sees. One day a dog joins him - could it be that the dog is looking for a friend?

It speaks to me as someone who always feels sorry for the outcast children (no, I wasn't exactly one myself, but I've known a few through working in the library and in my old school, and my heart's always gone out to them), that I can find charming stories like this to show there are always people out there to share your adventures. It's got bright, colourful pictures, drawn in a style that's familiar but at the same time unique, and it uses these wonderfully to enhance the sparse text (and I'm not saying sparse in a negative way - it just doesn't need many words to tell the story).

It's a great chance to connect with your kids about their adventures too, and I can imagine this one getting the nod of approval from parents and children alike at storytimes.

Just lovely!


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