Thursday 15 November 2012

Picture Book: The Princess and the Pig – Jonathan Emmett (Author) & Poly Bernatene (Illustrator)

Recommended for: Babies/Toddlers/Younger Readers

It seems that every time you pick up a children’s picture book, your six month old boy tries to eat it. Sometimes you raise your eyebrows and ask him to let you finish it. Sometimes you let him carry on because it’s boring. But sometimes it’s so good you want to eat it too.

In The Princess and the Pig, a baby princess and piglet accidentally swap places, with the princess being raise by a lowly farmer and his wife, and the piglet growing up with the King and Queen as a princess. It’s a wonderful tale, full of humour that will make both children and adults smile, and has some great repeating lines. The illustrations are lovely, and do a great job of adding to the humour. You’ll laugh particularly at the sight of the pig dressed up as a princess, thrust into positions that the princess should be holding, and the reactions of others around it. For once, I was happy to immediately read it again to my son. As he’s six months old, this was at my own request, rather than his.

Without doubt, this is one of my favourite picture books that I have ever read, and a perfect way to start off this blog. I can't recommend it highly enough.


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